Friday, July 31, 2009

Sometimes dontcha feel like a nut?

Where did my summer go? Taylor got out of school beginning of June and the summer just whizzed by. Told myself I was going to run everyday or so. Yeah did it like 3 times...So much going on. Family visiting, visiting family, friends in need, you're in need- you need friends, and now it's just about August. School starts. HAVE to get up at 6:45am 5 days a week. For sure running then. But these 90 days of summer have left me "feeling like a nut." Meet Gracie. She is my moms new black pug. When I whistled she does that. All summer I have felt like her. I want to cock my head to the side and say, "HUH?" I had lots of things I wanted to get done that require my personal (alone) time. For example: I like doing outside projects. If I have a project in mind, I have to do it and finish it quickly. I have a renovation in my head and it's been there for over a month. Haven't had time. Too busy taking care of everyone/thing else. You say "but you don't work out of the home, how are you that busy?" HA! I could make the list. But I'm not going to. So I'm sitting here with my head cocked to the side coming up with a schedule to do these things. We're moving in December, and have collected more things then we need, thus creating projects. I am part procrastinator, part perfectionist. Once I do it, it is detailed and clean. And I like to do all of it myself, by myself (unless heavy lifting is required).

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so happy!!!!!! I cant wait to see all of the pictures and here all of your stories. I miss you so much and cant wait to see you in Oct. I really cant wait until you move back!!!!!!! here are some pictures of my little emmi. I love this girl beyond words.
