Saturday, July 6, 2013

Oreo Saturday

This past week orders, LOVE the 4th of July!
This is the first WEEKEND I didn't have Sugar Shack orders due since April. I have to say, it was a nice little break. AND we cleaned the house BEFORE the weekend, which I highly recommend. Nothing feels better then having a lazy, do what you want Saturday in an all ready clean house. No guilty conscience at the end of the day with that annoying little thought, "I should have done something productive today". You never know who my stop by, as my MIL says.
So we ran some errands, got lunch, stopped at Starbucks- ordered some secret menu drinks, andhit the commissary. We're girls. We like to dine, shop, and treat ourselves. We made it home for Harlow's nap time, and "electronics" time. 
Tonight we are headed to a friends house (Wud up Rayburn's?!) and I made Dessert (when am I not making sweets??). I just used what I had on hand (ok, so while at the the commissary I did buy a pkg of Oreos). Here's what I did:
Oreo Pie
•1 graham cracker crust (you could use the actual Oreo one, I just used what I 
•1 pkg Oreo & cream jello pudding (4oz)
•1 pkg vanilla pudding (4oz)
•2 3/4 cup COLD milk
•crunched up Oreos to mix in pudding (I think I used roughly 7-10)
•6-10 *filling removed* crushed Oreo cookies for topping
*ok, so I used a total of 1 1/2 rows of Oreos- you can decide which part will 
have more or do it up evenly.
Directions: Mix the puddings, milk, and crunched Oreos for a few minutes. Dump into pie 
shell. Add crushed *fillings removed* Oreocookies on top. Refrigerate for 3-4 
hours so it keeps its form when cut. 
I love desserts like that. Cool, fluffy, light, and OREOS!! I may be an adult, a mom, almost 30...but I'll take Oreo stuffed ANYTHING any DAY jumping up and down 
squealing like a kid! 
Speaking of Oreo, next time you see a "UDF"United Dairy Farmers" get their cookies n cream ice cream! I'm telling's better then ANY store bought kind I've had (I've had TONS in my lifetime!) you can also order online. It is CJ's FAVORITE (and mine since a kid) when we go back (to my) home to Ohio. Made y'all hungry didn't I? 

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